Church, religion, faith, and spirituality have never been one thing practiced one way. Truth remains dynamic.
Therefore, let's be ourselves, ask the hard questions, resist judgement and, thereby, change the world!
Support all people on their unique journeys toward their best selves.
Connect the entire general public to one another and the kind, inclusive experts they seek.
UU Jay McNeal
This is the community chaplain disrupting institutional religion. Jay is called to serve and protect the opportunity of every person to have access to real, kind people. (Or really kind people, whichever you prefer.)
Which Audience Are You?
We can affirm one another. We can have and share our different beliefs. We can demonstrate care and consideration for our human siblings. Let faith and truth, joy and laughter, kind questions and gentle answers bring us together in the Be Kind Humans Universe.
some of our services
Our centerpiece is the Be Kind Humans Universe created for the most creative webs of interaction. The Faith Leader Directory and the Be Doing Faith Podcast are accessible outside of Be Kind Humans.
Yes, you can! (And why wouldn’t you?!?!) You do NOT need to have a physical building ever again (but you can if you want). Go to faith community page.
Yes, absolutely! If you represent an atheist, humanist, naturalist, buddhist or other group, you can join immediately as an individual. If you want a space for your group then just upgrade. All groups have the same guidelines of not proselytizing. Go to community page.
You can speak about your tradition without overstating or overstepping your expertise or knowledge. Many traditions, of course, do not have official clergy, every person is expected to teach when and where able. Furthermore, to purchase a space under the title of your community (not just as yourself) then you only need to have the permission of your community. Go to options page.
If you are a trained professional who supports the healthy spiritual growth of others, then yes. You must be appropriately endorsed and in good standing to conduct the services, whatever you offer, in your tradition by the appropriate authorities. Post images of your credentials, if appropriate, to your profile. Examples may include: seminarians preaching sermons, leading retreats; worship musicians offering individual songs, albums, concerts and employment; religious educators offering seminars, retreats, webinar series, “Sunday” School classes, training to Sunday School Teachers; religious authors to sell books, host book clubs, do readings; chaplains to provide spiritual and emotional listening support; professors to teach ancient languages or sacred texts; pastors to provide worship, coffee hour, classes, board or congregational meetings; and on and on. Just don’t do what you are not allowed to do. Go to faith leader page.